Monday, June 15, 2009

18 th wedding anniversary

Today is our 18th Wedding Anniversary....Besides the fact that Brett has a temperature of 103 and has been sick for the past three days it is still a great day. I cant believe it has been 18 years!!!! Brett is an amazing husband and is always making more deposits than withdrawals in our marriage...My favorite part about being married is that I am married to my best friend, who loves me for who I am, loves that I am feisty, loves me good and bad... I love that Brett makes me want to be a better person and that I am better because of him. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!

1 comment:

nicole said...

doesn't look we are going to make it this year. after paying our house payment and then $600 in rent plus the extra money for a storage unit, and things for our house, like blinds, bathroom towel racks, ect...we need to save money. we haven't been remimbursed by the insurance company yet!